We create algorithms based on medical big data to assess and predict the risk of developing serious diseases.
Projected global AI healthcare market growth by 20301.
Percentage of healthcare organizations using AI technology in 2024 in the USA2.
Projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of global AI in precision medicine market from 2023 to 20303.
The future of healthcare is being transformed by data science through big data and artificial intelligence.
It is now possible for medical specialists to provide a data-science based medical service to patients with medical AI tools that analyze personalized risk levels. We believe that the paradigm of diagnosis transforming from being treatment-oriented to prevention-oriented.
2 Microsoft. 2024. “Microsoft Makes the Promise of AI in Healthcare Real Through New Collaborations with Healthcare Organizations and Partners.” March 11, 2024. https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2024/03/11/microsoft-makes-the-promise-of-ai-in-healthcare-real-through-new-collaborations-with-healthcare-organizations-and-partners/
3 Grand View Research. “Artificial Intelligence in Precision Medicine Market Size Worth $14.5 Billion by 2030.” Grand View Research, March 2024. Accessed June 17, 2024. https://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-artificial-intelligence-precision-medicine-market
AI-based Cerebral Aneurysm Risk Assessment Service ANRISK™
ANRISK™ assess the risk of developing a brain aneurysm with just your standard health checkup results by an AI algorithm. With the assessment, it is now possible to assess the risk level and consult a specialist to receive a brain scan and prevent the dangers of a hemorrhage.