Assess your risk of developing a brain aneurysm in one analysis with ANRISK™
What is a brain aneurysm?
A brain aneurysm is a condition where a blood vessel in the brain balloons out, weakening the vessel wall. If the aneurysm ruptures, it can lead to a severe brain hemorrhage, posing a life-threatening condition.
Most brain aneurysms show little to no noticeable symptoms before rupture, making early detection challenging. Fortunately, brain aneurysms are almost always curable if detected early, allowing patients to take appropriate preventive measures.
Normal blood vessel
Brain aneurysm
What is a brain aneurysm?
A brain aneurysm is a condition where a blood vessel in the brain balloons out, weakening the vessel wall. If the aneurysm ruptures, it can lead to a severe brain hemorrhage, posing a life-threatening condition.
Most brain aneurysms show little to no noticeable symptoms before rupture, making early detection challenging. Fortunately, brain aneurysms are almost always curable if detected early, allowing patients to take appropriate preventive measures.
Normal blood vessel
Brain aneurysm
Brain aneurysm vs. other diseases
The Obstacle of Early Detection
Because there are no clear symptoms of brain aneurysms, it is difficult to detect early, leaving many people unaware of their condition.
According to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, it is estimated that about 500,000 people die each year worldwide due to ruptured aneurysms.
Leaving the aneurysm untreated could result in a rupture, or a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). 50% of these cases are fatal and 66% of those who survive suffer some type of permanent neurological damage.
Death rate in case of rupture
Rate of permanent neurological damage
Why brain aneurysms?
Other cerebrovascular diseases, however, develop in different ways and require various and complex treatment methods. Consequently, this makes it difficult to predict and provide treatment plans for the patient.
Brain aneurysms, in comparison to other cerebrovascular diseases, are influenced by multiple risk factors but result in one type of blood vessel abnormality, an aneurysm. If detected early, established treatment methods make it possible to completely alter the patient’s journey and completely cure the disease.
Predict your risk of developing a brain aneurysm solely based on your standard health screening results, using our AI-based algorithm.
A Highly Personalized Analysis Report
Once the analysis has been completed, a report is generated for each examinee. The report provides a highly personalized and an in-depth analysis of how health parameters significantly impact the risk level, as well as a detailed guide to lower the risk level.
Relative Risk Score & In-depth Analysis
Each individual’s overall risk is shown as a score out of a 100 and categorized in the risk level group. In addition, the risk of discovering a brain aneurysm at the time of the analysis (prevalence rate) and the risk of developing a brain aneurysm within the next 5 years (incidence rate) are also shown.
In the following graph, health checkup parameters that affect the risk level are displayed in order of significance, both in positive and negative ways.
Below the graph, a highly personalized list of target values are provided to give the examinee a clear guide in which goals need to be met in order to lower the risk level.
The ANRISK™ Process
The Solution to Early Detection for All
Find out you risk of developing a brain aneurysm with our AI-based risk assessment service, ANRISK™